Her Patreon and all of her YouTube videos are completely deleted, and I can’t find other mirrors of her content. The ASMR Index has a directory of the videos her channel used to have, and it all looks like it was good content. I’m sad she’s gone before I discovered her. https://www.theasmrindex.com/channel/UC8IChGh1TrR6cV2llW_ef4w/
Name ?
Dude… it’s in the first ten seconds
Patreon URL in the first 15 seconds of the video.
the patreon link doesn’t work and “elcee” does not show up any good results
Her Patreon and all of her YouTube videos are completely deleted, and I can’t find other mirrors of her content. The ASMR Index has a directory of the videos her channel used to have, and it all looks like it was good content. I’m sad she’s gone before I discovered her. https://www.theasmrindex.com/channel/UC8IChGh1TrR6cV2llW_ef4w/
Actually, to clarify, there is still one video left on her YouTube channel, and it is the most wholesome video ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTBQXX7HX7s