Big Brands Are Whispering Their Way into ASMR

In recent years, and especially in 2024, ASMR has evolved from a niche internet phenomenon to a mainstream marketing tool, with major brands leveraging its unique sensory appeal to connect with consumers in innovative ways.

Apple and ASMR

Apple has been at the forefront of integrating ASMR into its marketing strategies. In 2023, the company released a series of ASMR videos as part of its “Shot on iPhone” campaign. These videos showcased the iPhone’s high-quality audio and video capabilities by capturing common ASMR triggers, such as the sound of crinkling paper, the rustling of leaves, and soft whispers. Apple’s campaign highlighted how easily anyone could create professional ASMR content with just an iPhone, helping to bring ASMR further into the mainstream.

Paramount Pictures’ ASMR Campaign

Paramount Pictures utilized ASMR in a creative campaign to promote A Quiet Place Part II. Given the film’s emphasis on sound—or the lack thereof—the use of ASMR was highly relevant. The campaign featured ASMR-style videos that focused on the subtle sounds integral to the film’s suspenseful atmosphere, such as the crunch of leaves or the whispering of characters. This approach effectively engaged audiences by immersing them in the eerie silence that is central to the movie’s plot, showcasing how ASMR can enhance thematic elements in film marketing.

Other Brands and ASMR

Beyond these major campaigns, several other brands have tapped into ASMR to create memorable marketing experiences. IKEA, for instance, created a series of ASMR videos that featured the sounds of household items being assembled and used, like the smooth click of furniture parts snapping together or the rustling of bed linens. This campaign aimed to evoke a sense of calm and satisfaction, aligning with the brand’s focus on comfort and home living.

Similarly, brands in the food and beverage industry have also embraced ASMR. For example, Pepsi used ASMR in their commercials featuring the sound of ice cubes clinking in a glass, the fizz of carbonation, and the refreshing pour of soda, all designed to create a sensory craving for their products.

The Impact on Brand Engagement

The use of ASMR in advertising has proven effective in increasing brand engagement, especially among younger audiences who are more likely to be familiar with ASMR content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. The immersive and personal nature of ASMR makes it a powerful tool for brands looking to create deeper emotional connections with consumers. By incorporating ASMR, brands are not just selling a product but an experience that can evoke emotions like relaxation, nostalgia, or comfort.

In summary, ASMR has transitioned from a quirky internet trend to a valuable marketing asset for big brands, allowing them to engage with audiences in novel and impactful ways.

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