She’s great. I just feel guilty/wrong in these types of videos (mostly towards the end) cuz they gag, look uncomfortable, and get so “messed up”. I know some ppl like that but I get mixed feelings… Lol.
You’re just, sex stuff aside? Genuinely beautiful. I’m a pretty unsexual kinda person in general, I mean clearly not nonsexual cause I mean.. I’m commenting on porn.. but honestly I just want to hold your hand and stare into your beautiful eyes more than anything.
ok i just have to say her fucking line delivery is so god damn good. got me out here trying not to get parasocial
She’s great. I just feel guilty/wrong in these types of videos (mostly towards the end)
She’s great. I just feel guilty/wrong in these types of videos (mostly towards the end) cuz they gag, look uncomfortable, and get so “messed up”. I know some ppl like that but I get mixed feelings… Lol.
Loved it. Next time put that dick inside your pussy!
You’re just, sex stuff aside? Genuinely beautiful. I’m a pretty unsexual kinda person in general, I mean clearly not nonsexual cause I mean.. I’m commenting on porn.. but honestly I just want to hold your hand and stare into your beautiful eyes more than anything.